Serve at RiverPark Church
Do you want to help RiverPark Church grow in our city? Getting involved and serving at church is a great way to get to know new people. Check out our teams below and opportunities to serve in the church.
Let us know if you’d like to serve at church in one of these areas. You can email us at info@riverparkkc.com or fill out our brief application form below. We will reach out to you with more information.
Use your unique gifts to serve a greater purpose
RiverPark Church Ministries
Click on the images below to learn more about how
you can serve in one of our various ministries:
Let us know how you
would like to serve!
Some serving details
Our nursery, preschool & elementary classrooms are currently open. If you are interested in serving here, please let us know. Serving in this area does require a background check.
kids ministry team
Kid’s Ministry Team
We have a great worship team who leads us on Sunday mornings. Here are a few areas you can help serve with our worship team at RiverPark Church:
Musician & singer roles
Running slides
Running the live stream camera feed
Operating the soundboard
Worship Team
Worship Team
We want everyone who comes to church at RiverPark Church in Parkville, Missouri, to feel welcome. There are many ways to serve on our hospitality team:
Create name tags
Coffee prep
Parking lot greeter (holds welcome signs)
Build and place banners
Hand out worship folders
Kids’ check-in
Hospitality Team
Hospitality Team
Our administration team is not front and center, but the work they do helps our services run smoothly. You can serve on our administration team in a couple of ways:
Assemble worship folders for Sunday services (pre-service task)
Assemble kids’ activity bags (pre-service task)
Collect worship folders and reset the room (post-service task)
administration team
Administration Team
Facilities Team
Facilities Team
If you don’t like to be the center of attention and prefer behind-the-scenes roles, consider joining our facility team. This team will:
Vacuum and clean areas of the building (pre-service task)
Empty trash cans (post-service task)
Periodically, throughout the summer, our church will meet at the park for our Sunday morning services. There is a lot that goes into making that happen. Here are some ways you can help:
Hauling equipment from the building to the park (pre-service)
Setting up signs and coffee (pre-service)
AV setup crew (pre-service)
Greeting team (during service)
Tear-down crew - take down signs, coffee station, AV gear (post-service)
Park Service Team