Connect with RiverPark Church

Experience community and find connections

Do you know how many people struggle to find connection and get traction in life?

At RiverPark Church in Parkville, Missouri, our goal is to help you build community and develop the spiritual tools you need to experience life with a purpose. Below are some ways you can connect with RiverPark Church.

Plan a church visit

RiverPark Church meets in Parkville, Missouri, every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. Below is some basic information on where we meet and how to contact us if you have questions.

RiverPark Church Location

170 English Landing Dr.
Suites 131 & 141
Parkville, MO

Contact RiverPark Church

Phone: 816-743-4275
Follow us on Social: Facebook

Check out our upcoming events

Another way to connect with RiverPark Church is to stay up-to-date on our upcoming events. We post them on our website here and our Facebook page. Below are our upcoming events.

Connect with a group

One of the best ways to connect with our church is to join a group. At RiverPark Church, we know that you want to build a successful life. In order to do that you need a community that cares about you, your family, and your future. The problem is, it feels like everything around us is constantly changing, which can leave you feeling lost, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled.

We believe that your life and your family were made for a purpose. We want you to connect with others so you find a solid community to encourage and strengthen you and help you grow in your faith.