Current and upcoming events

Membership Class

Membership Class

Interested in learning more about RiverPark Church and finding out what it means to be a member? The New Testament gives us precedence for this important practice of the church. You are not committing to anything by attending the class but the class does allow you the opportunity to become a member.

This class takes place during Small Groups & Kids Classes.

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Women's Event

Women's Event

Ladies, enjoy an evening with friends as we drink coffee and take a walk by the Missouri River. We’ll meet at Rochester Coffee Shop in Downtown Parkville, grab coffee to go and head over to English Landing Park for an evening stroll

Friday, April 11 from 6:45-8:15 PM

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Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service

The Good Friday service is a time to reflect on Jesus’ sacrifice for us, worship together, and take communion. We will meet at McKeon Stage at English Landing Park. Be sure to bring a folding chair or picnic blanket.

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You are invited to join us for Easter on Sunday, April 20.

We’ll be at Graden Elementary School. You and your family can enjoy meaningful worship, a practical message, and free refreshments.

9:00-9:45 a.m. Kids Classes & Small Groups

10:00-11:00 a.m. Church Service.

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Membership Class

Membership Class

Interested in learning more about RiverPark Church and finding out what it means to be a member? The New Testament gives us precedence for this important practice of the church. You are not committing to anything by attending the class but the class does allow you the opportunity to become a member.

This class takes place during Small Groups & Kids Classes.

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Grand Opening at Graden Elementary School

Grand Opening at Graden Elementary School

We invite you to join us for our Grand Opening at Graden Elementary School!

In 2020, RiverPark Church was started by 14 people meeting for Sunday services in English Landing Park. Since then, we have grown and now meet at Graden.

We are excited for this new chapter at Graden!

Kids Classes at 9:00 AM

Small Groups at 9:00 AM

Worship Service from 10:00-11:00 AM

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Membership Class

Membership Class

Interested in learning more about RiverPark Church and finding out what it means to be a member? The New Testament gives us precedence for this important practice of the church. You are not committing to anything by attending the class but the class does allow you the opportunity to become a member.

This class takes place during Small Groups & Kids Classes.

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Women’s Potluck & Ornament Exchange

Women’s Potluck & Ornament Exchange

Attention RiverPark ladies! On Saturday, December 14th from 10am-12pm (noon), RiverPark Church is hosting a Women’s Potluck & Christmas Ornament Exchange event. Bring a potluck dish, and a wrapped ornament (handmade or under $10). We will enjoy brunch together, exchange ornaments and hear an encouraging message. The event is for ladies 18 & older. There will be no childcare for this event.

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Kid's Christmas Choir

Kid's Christmas Choir

Children ages 5-12 are invited to be part of RiverPark’s very own Kids Christmas Choir! They will perform during church service on December 8. That service will include the children’s choir, baby dedications, and a post-service potluck. Rehearsal dates for the children’s choir are Sunday November 24th & December 1st from 9:15-9:35AM.

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Child Dedication and Family Meal Celebration

Child Dedication and Family Meal Celebration

On Sunday, December 8th during our worship service, there will be an opportunity for parents to dedicate their child to the Lord and make a commitment to raise them to know God, love him, and to one day make their own choice to become a follower of Jesus. Immediately after service we will have a RiverPark Family Meal Celebration with everyone.

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Christmas on the River with RiverPark Church

Christmas on the River with RiverPark Church

The Christmas season is rapidly approaching, and we are excited to be serving at Christmas on the River again this year! On Friday, December 6 from 6:00-9:30 PM, RiverPark will have a booth at Parkville's Annual Christmas on the River Event. There are opportunities to help at our booth with set up, clean up, free kids craft, and free face painting. If you are able to help serve in any of these ways, or just want to mingle with folks from the community, we’d love to have you join us!

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Deck the Halls & Chiefs Potluck Watch Party

Deck the Halls & Chiefs Potluck Watch Party

On Sunday, November 24th beginning at 11am, everyone is invited to team together as we decorate the building for Christmas! We'll enjoy a Potluck lunch and watch the Chiefs play the Panthers as we hang ornaments and garland. No decorating skills are required. Bring a Potluck item to share.

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Relevate Conference 2024
to Nov 15

Relevate Conference 2024

RiverPark Church will be participating in this year’s Relevate Conference in Huntington Beach, California. This year’s topic is Personal Identity- how it is formed, how it shapes us, and how it changes because of Christ. There is a group of us from RiverPark planning to attend and would love for you to join us! We can give you details about hotel, registration and answer any questions you may have. See Pastor Stephen for more details.

November 13-15 at SeaBreeze Church in Huntington Beach

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Downtown Parkville Trick-or-Treat

Downtown Parkville Trick-or-Treat

At RiverPark, we are always looking for opportunities to serve our local communities and point them to Christ. Join us Saturday, October 26th from 12-4pm as we pass out candy, info packets, and interact with those coming to downtown Parkville to Trick-or-Treat!

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Afternoon at the Arcade

Afternoon at the Arcade

Men, on Saturday October 19th from 2:30-4:30pm, join us for an afternoon of fellowship and arcade games! We’ll be spending time together at Draftcade in Zona Rosa that has over 60 arcade classics to choose from! Sons are welcome to this event as well, so bring them along! Whether it's the nostalgia of Arcade Classics, the fun of Skee-Ball, the thrill of Pinball, or the simplicity of classic consoles, there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Cost is $7 for a game band.

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Boots & Burgers

Boots & Burgers

Ladies, on Friday, October 18 from 6:30-8:30 PM at RiverPark Church come enjoy time with friends as we enjoy burgers and learn line dances. Please bring or wear socks (as this will assist with dancing on the carpet). Feel free to invite a friend to join us! Sign-up below if you are able to bring food. *There is no childcare for this event.

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Hymns in the Round

Hymns in the Round

Join us September 27th, 6:45pm at RiverPark Churchfor a night of worship where we will sing hymns and songs together. We will also be taking the Lord’s Supper together.

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Membership Class

Membership Class

Interested in pursuing membership at RiverPark? Or, simply want to learn more about who RiverPark is and what we believe? RiverPark is holding a Membership Class on Sunday August 4th from 11am-12pm.

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Sports Bash

Sports Bash

RiverPark is joining with Upstream Church to host our third annual Sports Bash! On Saturday, July 6th from 9:00am-12:00pm (noon), kids will get to participate in different sports workshops with experienced coaches in the beautiful Platte Landing Park (next to English Landing). You can drop off your kids or hang out at our "Parent Lounge" with drinks and snacks during the event. The cost of registration is $10 per child and includes all the drinks and snacks during the event.

But that’s not all! Immediately following the Sports Bash, from 12:00pm (noon) - 1:00pm, all participants and their families are invited to a FREE lunch and activities immediately following the Sports Bash.

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4th of July Family Friendly Booth

4th of July Family Friendly Booth

On Thursday, July 4 from 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM at the Downtown Parkville Old Baseball Field, we have the opportunity to bless our community by providing family friendly activities after Parkville's 4th of July Parade. It's also a great time to invite the people we meet to join us for church on Sunday. We are needing volunteers to help with the water activities, kid's craft, bounce house and Sports Bash Registration. For those planning to help- there is a Parade happening from 10-11:00 AM, and they block off major roads in Downtown Parkville. If you'd like to arrive before 9:30 AM to get parking and find a seat for the parade, you can head over to our Church booth immediately following the parade.

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Faith Sharing 101

Faith Sharing 101

RiverPark Church exists to be disciples, make disciples, and equip disciple makers. One crucial element of this mission is that we be able to confidently share our faith with our friends, neighbors, colleagues, families, and community. But we know sharing our faith can be scary. So, on Sunday, June 23 from 11:00 AM- Noon RiverPark Church is hosting a 1 hour workshop on how to share you faith. During this workshop you will learn 1) How to share you faith with people you know and 2) how to move conversations toward life changing subjects. Would you consider joining us as we seek to become better stewards of our life-changing faith? *There is no childcare for this workshop.

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Dinner with Bala

Dinner with Bala

Tuesday June 18th from 6-7:30pm, RiverPark is hosting a dinner with a minister from India named Bala. Bala has dedicated the last several decades to reaching his people for Christ. Through numerous trials and persecutions the Lord has allowed him to build a large church in Agra, which is the home of the Taj Mahal. Attached to his church includes a large orphanage and a food ministry for the poor. They also minister to many with disabilities. Bala is a very gifted speaker so we are excited to have time to hear some of his stories.

Dinner will be provided and during this time there will be 30 minutes of story time with Bala and the rest of the time will be meet and greet.

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Easter Sunday Service

Easter Sunday Service

On Sunday March 31, 2024, RiverPark Church in Parkville, Missouri will be holding our Easter service at the Olde Mill Emporium in downtown Parkville, located in the English Landing Business Park. Service will begin at 9:45am and will run about an hour until 10:45am. Pre-school aged classes are offered and be sure to come hungry as there will also be a free brunch after service.

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Clean Up Day

Clean Up Day

On Sunday, March 24th from 11am-1pm, in preparation for Easter and wanting to host people well, we are having a Family RiverPark Clean Up Day to clean our building. We will serve lunch and then afterwards work together to clean all the rooms at church. All ages are welcome to help! Lunch from 11:00-11:30am / Clean up from 11:30am-1:00pm.

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Team RiverPark Potluck

Team RiverPark Potluck

On Sunday, March 17 from 11:00-1:00pm, the entire family is invited to enjoy a Potluck lunch together and hear from Pastor Stephen about the upcoming year, and important updates. Childcare will be provided. Please bring a main dish, side dish or dessert to share for the Potluck.

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Ladies' Bunco Night

Ladies' Bunco Night

Ladies, come enjoy an evening of playing Bunco and winning prizes. There will also be a testimony from a member of RiverPark Church. Feel free to bring a friend! No childcare will be provided for this event.

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Super Bowl Party

Super Bowl Party

The entire family is invited to our annual Super Bowl Party on Sunday, Feb 11 at 5:00pm. Kick off is at 5:30. There will be games, prizes, and other activities along with enjoying the game. We will be serving chili, desserts and other refreshments.

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Family Christmas Eve Service

Family Christmas Eve Service

You and your family & friends are invited to join us as we have our Family Christmas Eve Service on Sunday, Dec 24 at our normal service time (9:45am). To allow our volunteers who serve in Preschool & Elementary classes to join their families for service- children of all ages will sit with their families during service.

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Serve Team Meeting

Serve Team Meeting

Do you serve at RiverPark? Then you are encouraged to be at our serve team meeting December 3rd at 3:30pm! Big things are coming up and we will be discussing them! We will also discuss serving at RiverPark and how we can continue to make Sunday mornings a non-distracting time that glorifies God.

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Christmas on the River with RiverPark Church

Christmas on the River with RiverPark Church

RiverPark has a great opportunity to bless our community with our Christmas booth along with our Kids Christmas Choir performing December 1st at Christmas on the River. This year our booth will provide free ornament decorating for children, along with free face painting. Join us anytime between 3-9:30pm on December 1st to help us serve the Parkville community.

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